Athletic Background: 3 sport athlete in high school. Played college football, All-American. Played in the Arena Football League.
Hardest Job You Ever Had: Construction.
Biggest Influences/Mentors: Mel Siff, Jay Schroeder, DB Hammer.
Favorite Books/Podcasts: Anything Dr. Jack Kruse.
What’s your favorite or “go-to” workout for athletes: Iso-extremes and altitude drops.
What’s your favorite workout (for you personally): Iso-extremes.
Personality Type? I’m an introvert.
Proudest Moment as a Coach: Too many to list, love watching my athletes compete.
Advice for Young Coaches: Be willing to look outside the box. We are all learning…. Never stop learning. Go anywhere to learn anything.
What would you do if you didn’t coach for a living? Medical field – research. I love researching.
Products of Note: My main man Chris Korfist and I sell DVDs and some other materials on his website