Joel Smith Just Fly Sports Joel Smith, MS, CSCS is a NCAA Division I Strength Coach working in the PAC12 conference.  He has been a track and field jumper and javelin thrower, track coach, strength coach, personal trainer, researcher, writer and lecturer in his 8 years in the professional field.  His degrees in exercise science have been earned from Cedarville University in 2006 (BA) and Wisconsin LaCrosse (MS) in 2008.  Prior to California, Joel was a track coach, strength coach and lecturer at Wilmington College of Ohio.  During Joel’s coaching tenure at Wilmington, he guided 8 athletes to NCAA All-American performances including a national champion in the women’s 55m dash.  In 2011, Joel started Just Fly Sports with Jake Clark in an effort to bring relevant training information to the everyday coach and athlete.  Aside from the NSCA, Joel is certified through USA Track and Field and his hope is to bridge the gap between understandable theory and current coaching practices.

Athletic Background: High school basketball and track & field.  College track, 3x NAIA All-American in high jump.

Hardest Job You Ever Had: UPS Seasonal Helper in Lacrosse, WI in December (WAY harder than any moving job I ever had).

Biggest Influences/Mentors: In no particular order: Chris Korfist, Dan Fichter, Dan Pfaff, Cal Dietz, Nelio Moura, Boo Schexnayder, Josh Hurlebaus, Frans Bosch, Yuri Verkhoshansky, Dan John, Pavel Tsatsouline, Tudor Bompa, Kelly Baggett, DB Hammer (whoever wrote the Inno-sport book), Bret Contreras, Henk Kraiijenhof, Paul Cater, Elliot Hulse, and many others that exceed the scope of this section

Favorite Books: Easy Strength.  Triphasic Training.  Alexander Lowen’s works. You are Not So Smart.  The Genie Within.  The Obstacle is the Path.  Science Set Free.  The Inner Game of Tennis.

Favorite Podcasts: Tim Ferriss Show, Rich Roll Podcast, Physical Preparation Podcast, All Things Strength and Wellness

What’s your favorite or “go-to” workout for athletes:  French Contrast, Bounding Complexes, Depth Jump Variants

What’s your favorite workout (for you personally?):  Rock Climbing (recently), Fast 150’s, Anything novel and physically challenging.  Past: High jump x 10-15, depth jumps/hurdle hops x 10-20 reps, bounding x 150-200m, fly 50’s x 2-3.

Personality Type:  INTP, somedays ENFP

Proudest Moment as a Coach: Coaching 2010 NCAA 55m dash champion, Callen Martin to 3rd fastest sprint in D3 history.  Doing the strength training for 7 swimmers who competed, and 4 who medaled at 2016 Olympics in Rio.

Advice for Young Coaches: Find negative vacuums in your life that are sucking away your time, and spend that time investing in yourself, both personally and career wise.  Your career will only be as rewarding and successful as you can develop yourself as a person.  Don’t be afraid to invest in your education (real education, not 4-year university).  Reach out to your idols for advice, find mentors, take moon-shots in this regard.

What would you do if you didn’t coach for a living:  Psychologist or Investigative Journalist

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