Optimising Run-Up Length and Speed in Fast Bowling: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of fast bowling, achieving peak performance hinges significantly on the nuanced interaction between the bowler’s physiology, approach speed, strength, and tailored training methods. Recent studies and field data have highlighted imperative insights into optimising run-up lengths and the critical elements that influence bowling speed and efficiency.

To excel in fast bowling, aspiring bowlers and coaches must pay meticulous attention to their run-up, ensuring it is optimized for both length and speed. By incorporating data-backed training methods and understanding the physiological nuances of different bowler types, the potential for significant performance improvements is immense. The guiding principle remains: the faster the approach, the faster the bowl. An optimized run-up is not just about speed; it’s about precision, balance, and sustainable strength.

Vuemotion analysis

Vuemotion analysis

Pacelab prides itself on using every affordable technology available to analyse every aspect of a fast bowler’s kino-sequence. This is our USP and game changing mindset to cricket. Tradition, ‘ex-playing’ experiences, and a general ‘feel’ of things are not what we do. Every coach, friend, parent, and player has an opinion, but data doesn’t lie

I need data, and I need sport science

Understanding Bowler Dominance and Run-Up Length

Every bowler is different. They have different styles, techniques, and mechanics. To avoid covering previous articles on the difference between PaceLab Hip or Knee dominant bowlers please read various posts on here and my Instagram page

In simple terms, knee dominant relies on muscle, whilst hip dominant relies on tendons and the fascia system. In the old days, they were called ‘wiry’ quicks. Their dominance determines how fast and how far they should run in to bowl

Differences exist between hip- and knee-dominant bowlers. Knee-dominant bowlers need more time for rotation on back foot contact (BFC), so they need more control at the impact zone. However, the key factor is the need for momentum, which is why strength training is more essential for a knee-dominant bowler

Pacelab Hip or Knee classification system

Pacelab Hip or Knee classification system

How does the dominance affect the run-up?

Knee-Dominant Bowlers:

For bowlers who are knee-dominant, a shorter run-up comprising approximately 6 strides is generally adequate. These bowlers rely on a fine balance between the momentum they generate and the muscle-driven torque transitioning from back foot contact (BFC) to front foot contact (FFC). A shorter run-up allows them to maintain control and manage the immense forces involved.

Pacelab PitchWolf APP

Pacelab PitchWolf APP

Hip-Dominant Bowlers:

Conversely, hip-dominant bowlers benefit from longer run-ups, often extending beyond 40 meters. The extended approach helps them generate significant momentum, which they need to maintain speed and effectively utilize their tendons and connective tissues. This reliance on elasticity rather than pure muscle strength necessitates additional length in their approach to maximize bowling speed.

Customised Training Approaches

Bowlers should always train specific to their needs. I believe the modern-day bowler doesn’t spend enough time running. Fast bowlers perform on their feet and in locomotion. Running is the next best thing to do after bowling itself. Get the miles in!

However some bowlers should start off by sprinting shorter distances and bowling off a short approach. These are the muscle-driven, knee-dominant bowlers who spend longer on the ground, so they thrive when it becomes about grunt and effort. Whilst others, the more 400m type bowler [the hip dominant bowler], thrive off starting with longer sprints to train rhythm and the tendons due to shorter ground contact and then slowly reduce as the season gets closer and add overloading methods.

Knee-dominant bowlers would work strength to speed

hip dominant bowler would work speed to strength

This is how I have done it for the last 10 years with incredible results. No two bowlers should be on identically the same programme. Differences have to exist for improvements.

How do they look?

Short-Long Approach:

This method focuses on neuromuscular development and is particularly suited for muscle-driven, knee-dominant bowlers. Training emphasises acceleration and maximum intent, leveraging their ability to tolerate higher workloads and long ground contact times.

Knee dominant bowlers rely on balance and rotation at the crease.

Knee-dominant bowlers rely on balance and rotation at the crease.

Long-Short Approach:

Designed for tendon-driven, hip-dominant bowlers, this approach involves more running, stiffness enhancement exercises, and activities that build elasticity. These bowlers usually reap the most benefit from lower CNS-intensity methods, which incorporate more physiological stress to stimulate relevant adaptations.

Physiological Constitutions and Mechanics

Knee Dominant Bowlers: Often more slow-twitch muscle fibre dominant, these bowlers benefit from longer spells to fatigue their slower fibres, enabling the faster type II fibres, necessary for higher velocities, to engage effectively.

Hip Dominant Bowlers: Characterized by their tendency towards brief but intense efforts, they need higher velocities over shorter ground contact times. Efficient recuperation and conditioning tailored to quick, explosive movements are vital

Key Metrics and Velocity Insights

As previously mentioned and extensively discussed, I place a premium on the run-up. Wherever you are in the world, you will be able to spot a ‘Pacelab-trained fast bowler’. Whatever the level. They attack the crease, they look athletic, they don’t shuffle, they have intent and an appropriate length for their dominance.

Why such a focus?

Because it’s the number 1 determinant of ball velocity. That’s it. Simple. My profiling of over 500 bowlers has shown it over and over. This is why I have no interest in what others would say based on what they did, or the bowlers will get tired if they run too far, or they don’t need it, Jofra Archer doesn’t do it, etc. It’s what the data shows. Yep, I have his numbers as well. TV commentators are exactly that; they are not coaches; please take what they say with a pinch of salt.

Thigh angular velocity [TAV]

Thigh angular velocity [TAV]

Key metrics and descriptors

What are they?

Approach Speed: Research indicates that the approach can contribute 20-30% of the ball’s velocity. Fast bowlers typically run at about 70% of their top running speed during their run-up, translating to optimised momentum without excessive force.

Mass Specific Force (MSF): Rather than mere brute strength, the critical factor is the ability to generate substantial force within minimal time frames, essential during the short ground contact times typical in fast bowling.

Force and Time Relationship: Running faster requires applying large forces in short timeframes and in the right direction. Ken Clark and Peter Weyand’s research highlighted that elite sprinters generate greater ground reaction forces earlier in ground contact, resulting in a steeper initial peak of force compared to their less proficient counterparts.

Thigh Angular Velocity (TAV): TAV is the speed at which the thigh moves through the gait cycle. Increased TAV correlates with higher foot speed before ground contact, leading to larger and earlier spikes in force, essential for higher velocity. Elite bowlers show greater TAV during the extension phase, facilitating faster recovery and ground contact.

Pre-Tension: This is the muscle activation in anticipation of ground contact. Proper pre-tension ensures that the force generated doesn’t leak but instead translates into effective propulsion. Bowlers should avoid a passive approach and aim for an aggressive and precise foot strike.

Stiffness: This refers to the ability to resist deformation upon ground contact. Adequate stiffness allows the use of elastic properties of muscles and tendons, minimising ground contact time and enhancing stride frequency and maximum velocity.

Ground Reaction Forces (GRF): Improvements in TAV, pre-tension, and stiffness all contribute to higher GRF. Elite bowlers can apply force earlier and more efficiently during ground contact, resulting in better acceleration and overall speed.

Centre of Mass (COM) Displacement: Effective running mechanics involve the optimal displacement of the COM, balancing horizontal and vertical movements. Proper COM displacement ensures the bowlers can rearrange their limbs efficiently, maintaining velocity and balance.

Range of Motion (ROM): While a large ROM is beneficial, it must be optimized for quick limb switching. Excessive ROM can hinder TAV and overall speed. Therefore, finding the right balance between ROM and speed is crucial.

Switching and Scissoring: This involves the rapid reversal of limb momentum. Efficient switching from extension to flexion and vice versa impacts TAV and stride frequency, contributing to overall speed.

Based on the work of various coaches including Ken Clark, Peter Weyand, JB Morin, Jonas Dodoo, and Alan Murdoch

The best fast bowlers achieve the above key descriptors and metrics more consistently than their lesser counterparts

Speedworks Speed Solution Graphics

Speedworks Speed Solution Graphics

Pacelab splits the run-up/approach zone into 3 phases. Each phase has a unique purpose, impact, and metrics that require a totally different training approach

The new game-changing kinematic Pacelab PitchWolf APP will have key metrics in each phase. You then simply compare with what the fastest have achieved, note your PACELAB INDEX, choose your programme, and trust the process

The Phases of the Run Up

The Phases of the Run-Up

Running mechanics for fast bowlers involves a complex interplay of force application, muscle activation, and efficient movement patterns. By focusing on key components like TAV, pre-tension, stiffness, GRF, COM displacement, ROM, and switching, athletes can enhance their sprinting performance. Continuous assessment and targeted coaching can lead to significant improvements, translating to better on-field performance.

Pacelab is fortunate to have access to the best testing equipment available. We can test ground contact times on a contact grid, force production using isometric bilateral and unilateral force plate analysis, arm speed using Pulse and Nextiles, ball velocity using a stalker speed gun or pocket radar, and approach efficiency and effectiveness using 1080 sprint.

The 1080 sprint is a game-changer in sports performance. So, how do we use 1080 in our quest to develop the fastest bowlers at Pacelab Ltd?

1080 helps guide the intervention process

1080 helps guide the intervention process


What does 1080 Sprint show us?

Data trends and observations

Due to its specificity and load manipulation, the 1080 sprint is used in 2 particular ways.

A-  Developmental focus

B-    Performance focus


Development- creating permanent change

The 1080 has been a great asset when trying to implement technical change. Using resistance as a pendulum, we can cue the athlete to reach a specific goal and then ramp up the weight until the sporting skill is slowed down enough that the athlete can execute said cue. An example of this in cricket would be the braced front leg on front foot contact. Slowing the skill down allows for the athlete to feel more comfortable bracing their front leg (while keeping the whole of the sporting skill sequence in the correct format). From this, over time, we gradually reduce the weight used until the athlete is then performing it at 1-2kg.

From here, we can have the athlete run under their m/s in their run-up. This immediate feedback is vital when integrating a technical change to see how said change has affected the other components. From here, gradually have them work back towards the speed they hit on a normal ball. This is not a linear process of simply working down the numbers and expecting the technique to remain. There are stages when you must oscillate between loading parameters until the athlete is confident to move on.

When used the session is always preceded by at least 1 rep performed at 1kg (athlete feedback is this doesn’t feel like anything). This is the lightest possible load that can be applied on the 1080 while still collecting data. This sets a framework for the rest of the session. It could be that we reference a 1kg rep from the beginning of the training cycle. However, for auto regulatory reasons we have found it better to reference the athlete as they are in the moment. Then compare these 1kg reps over the training cycle to see what change has occurred.


Performance- transfer of training

With so little research on the 1080, when looking at the data, it is always mindful to compare it to a technical execution image series (kinogram – as popularised by ALTIS). At Pacelab Ltd, we call it the ‘Kino-sequence.’ This gives us information into what the differing data looks like in fruition with regards to position. However, the trends that are starting to reoccur in those that execute acceleration well; they have cleanness to the graph (there are little malformed waves), this basically works out as the bowler switches their limbs well and remains stiff during GCT. The frequency of each wave decreases over time; the athlete is pushing less and floating more. They produce each acceleration with a remarkable level of consistency from session to session.

Kino-sequence. Identifying the foundational anchor points

Kino-sequence. Identifying the foundational anchor points [FAP]

With regards to fast bowling, compared to a sprinter, the only deviation in the waveform is that the rhythm is slightly different due to the nature of the sporting task (athletes walk into their acceleration and are not looking to increase speed rapidly).

However, we also look at peak m/s and compare this to m/s at BFC (Back foot contact), invariably, we see this to be slower. Showing the athlete is decelerating unnecessarily. We also look for how the gather interferes prior to BFC, if the athlete jumps to high; we generally see a high level of deceleration. Similarly, if an athlete runs in too slowly, they have to put higher levels of effort into the gather to generate momentum, which often results in inconsistency when executing delivery. By utilising the data gathered, we are able to see trends that occur based on anthropometry and bowling dominance. Bowlers move differently and there are underlying issues for that.

Using the 1080 Sprint along with other profiling methods, we can build an accurate picture of why, when, and how. Does their bio-motor and bio-energetic capacities limit their ability to achieve the kinematic and kinetic attractors? If so, how can we intervene to help them hit the KPI’s and improve the transferable data to bowling performance?

So what are we actually looking for and what does 1080 sprint actually measure with regards fast bowling?

A. Running / approach speed [M/S]

B. Running Speed at back foot contact [BFC]

C. Peak and average force [N] and power [W]

D. Differentiation in stride pattern, rhythm/ force application

Each wave has a key metric

Each wave has a key metric

The 1080 sprint: The ultimate sprint tool

The 1080 sprint: The ultimate sprint tool

Most bowlers run it 70% max running speed but a vast majority of the bowlers decelerate before gather therefore lose momentum. However when 10% bodyweight resistance is added every single bowler accelerated into BFC.


If they didn’t they wouldn’t complete the delivery. The more static and knee dominant bowlers were able maintain bowling velocity within 4-6mph difference. Hip dominant and younger bowlers had 6-10mph difference. This concludes that clearly they needed to do more strength and the hip dominant bowlers couldn’t ‘cheat’ using momentum and it become more about the muscle and they lacked the power. What it does is also pattern groove each bowler, especially a hip dominant bowlers into a “cleaner” technical model. It gave the body the time to “stack up”. There is an optimum pace for each bowler to run in 70% of the bowlers ran in between 6-7m/s. The faster the bowler the faster they ran in!

Bowling velocity = momentum + torque + impulse

As we increase the resistance the more advanced and high performance bowler only lost 1m/s per 5% BW (up to 10%). The bowlers who lost more than this needed more work on their approach speed, coordination and form. We will train them like a 100m sprinter.

We have a few theories that need more research If a bowler doesn’t lose a large amount of ball VELOCITY when resistance added this would identify that they don’t use momentum from the approach in their run up. They rely on “grunt” effort and strength at the crease. When bowling becomes about basic strength it produces inconsistent performances (trust me I was a poster boy for it!)- They will benefit massively from sprint work and improving run up quality. “SUM OF ALL PARTS”

Pacelab is the only training system in global cricket that has this level of knowledge on the run up. We own the only 1080 sprint in cricket. Once again, we are just following the data. It doesn’t lie.

Knee dominant waveform with inconsistent stride pattern

Knee dominant waveform with inconsistent stride pattern

Hip dominant with collapsed front leg contact
Hip dominant with collapsed front leg contact

 Hip dominant with consistent strides and effective front leg block
Hip dominant with consistent strides and effective front leg block

Knee dominant with a lack of mass specific force
Knee dominant with a lack of mass-specific force

The sum of all parts. Not entirely about the speed you run in
The sum of all parts. Not entirely about the speed you run in

Bowling Mechanics Insights

With all the above said, it’s not entirely about how fast the bowler runs. We genuinely believe no bowler can run in much more than 8ms. The force going through the from tiler is beyond what is naturally capable of doing.

So the key points to remember are;

Peak speed at impulse: The speed at which the bowler hits the impulse stride is the number one factor in a successful transition from top-flight running and the ‘semi-jump’ phase, which Pacelab terms the impact zone to front foot contact.

Momentum Maintenance: Maintaining momentum from BFC to FFC is crucial to avoid deceleration, which can hamper ball speed.

Position of the COM: The velocity of the centre of mass (COM) during FFC significantly influences the resultant ball speed, highlighting the importance of transferring energy efficiently through the approach. It’s not a high jump.

Nothing belongs up in the sky, just birds and planes! This is a common presentation sentence I use.

Front Foot Block: Being able to hit FFC with maintained speed ensures that the bowler’s kinetic energy is adeptly converted into ball velocity, underscoring the need for a solid, momentum-carrying approach.

Improving the quality of the run up has the biggest impact on ball velocity

Improving the quality of the run-up has the biggest impact on ball velocity.

Strength Training as a Supplement

It’s beyond the scope of this article, but training to improve a fast bowler’s run-up requires a careful, individualised approach. Generic weight training is simply not acceptable and beneficial.

Weight training for fast bowlers should primarily serve as support rather than a core focus. Exercises must enhance MSF and adaptability for the biomechanics of bowling, emphasising elasticity and rapid, high-intensity movements over traditional powerlifting.

Each node in bowling has a different training requirement

Each node in bowling has a different training requirement. It’s acceptable to have a general strength base, but unless training moves to more specific and transferable methods, time spent outside the skill itself only serves to make a bowler tired.

Training fast bowlers to run faster enhances their overall bowling speed with greater efficiency. Elevating a bowler’s maximum running speed boosts their maximum delivery velocity and performance capacity. A balanced, tailored regimen that includes sprinting, specific biomechanics drills, and CNS-targeted activities will ensure comprehensive development.

Pacelab Pitch Wolf APP

Pacelab Pitch Wolf APP


In Summary:

Optimising run-up length and speed in fast bowling isn’t a one-size-fits-all scenario. It requires a deep understanding of individual bowler mechanics, personalised training approaches, and a harmonious blend of strength and speed work. By elevating running speeds and enhancing specific adaptations, bowlers can achieve and sustain higher delivery velocities while reducing the physiological toll on their bodies.

When the data is understood, respected, and followed, good things happen.

Those who trust the principles break records

Those who trust the principles break records

“Within your sport, no matter which sport and with very few exceptions, you must agree that the speed of motion of competition actions are a significant determinate regarding the competition outcome… In either case, the velocity of sport motion is central to competition preparation, yet the principles of increasing the velocity of sport motions are not central to coaching education. Training for speed must be conceptualized as part of practice for sport” –James Smith

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