Chris Korfist and Dan Fichter on Complexes, Coordination and Breaking Sprint Barriers

Chris Korfist and Dan Fichter are this week’s guests. Between the two of them, they have decades of successful coaching in the world of track and athletic performance training. They have each had a substantial journey in their study of human performance, and have made a substantial impact on the field in the process.

Many years ago, Chris and Dan were on the podcast talking about the “DB Hammer” system, and how it impacted aspects of their speed and power training, particularly the individualizing aspect of auto-regulation and “drop-offs”.

For today’s podcast, Chris and Dan get into details of their evolving approach to speed training, particularly on the level of complexes, and the methods they use to break limiting barriers of their athlete’s full potential.

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Podcast banner showing images of guests, Dan Fichter and Chris Korfist as well as episode number 418

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Main Points

9:03– Coaching’s Transition to Information Abundance Era
12:48– Training Philosophies for Enhanced Coaching Performance
21:38– Neurological Tailored Training for Enhanced Performance
29:48– Fly Tens for Maximal Speed Development Training
32:12– Real-Time Feedback Enhancing Athlete Performance
37:21– Enhancing Performance Through Diverse Sensory Inputs
41:03– Enhancing Athletic Performance Through Neurological Challenges
48:51– Enhancing Athletic Performance Through Reflex Integration
53:47– Real-time Performance Monitoring for Athletes
1:02:30– Enhancing Coordination Through Water Bag Training
1:08:52– Competitive Station-Based Training for Athletic Performance


(00:10:50) “People just accumulate knowledge, or not so much knowledge, but information. They read it once and they store it somewhere. But back in the day, you didn’t. Things took time, and so you had time to actually work through things because you may only get one article a month or something like that, and that’s all you’re getting. And so go ahead, work through that and try things and experiment. But today you can just go download 20 podcasts, look at three Instagram posts, you know, YouTube, and think you’re an expert all of a sudden. And there’s been no time to. To let things stew, to let things grow inside your own head and to take your own look at things and create your own system.” – Chris Korfist

(00:13:17) “You need to understand this stuff from the inside out.” – Dan Fichter

(00:32:37) “And then when you see it, then you start to be able to feel it. And when you can feel it, then you can change it.” – Dan Fichter

(34:50) I think oscillating isometrics may be one of the most profound training techniques out there. I really do in terms of teaching what movement really is and how. – Dan Fichter

(38:36) I kind of do the same thing with overspeed. Again, there’s a fear factor there that you’re going to go faster than you thought – Chris Korfist

(53:47) You know, we were putting our 1080 numbers up on a. A projector so everyone could see. We put our. We tied our timer up to a projector. – Chris Korfist

(01:06:25) “The first thing is how good of timing does this athlete have?” – Joel Smith

(01:14:23) “Getting strong is easy. Now, getting him fast, that’s a challenge.” – Dan Fichter

Show Notes:

How to Get Fast: Vol 1

About Dan Fichter

Dan Fichter owns and operates WannaGetFast Power/Speed Training, a sports performance training business in Rochester, NY that offers training to elite athletes. Dan is one of the leading applied neurological training experts in the world, and has made numerous connections between clinical level neurology, and athletic performance and sport training. Dan has coached athletes in all sports from all over the country, and is in two different Halls of Fame for his own athletic prowess in football.
Fichter’s clients have included pro hockey players Chris Thorburn (Winnipeg Jets), Stanley Cup champion Brian Gionta (Buffalo Sabres), Ryan Callahan (Tampa Bay Lightning, US Olympic Team), Shane Prince (Binghamton Senators), Olympic track and field star Victoriya Rybalko from the Ukraine, NY Yankee shortstop Cito Culver, UFC fighter Mike Massenzio, Oakland A’s 2nd baseman Andy Parrino, Washington Nationals Infielder Chris Bostick along with Washington Nationals pitcher Brian Dupra.

About Chris Korfist

Chris Korfist has been a high school coach in track and football for almost 30 years, with more than 80 All-State athletes. He has also been a strength coach at the college and high school levels, working with many sports. Korfist owns a private facility called Slow Guy Speed School that helps develop athletes ranging from World Champion to middle school. He has consulted with professional sports teams all over the world, including the NFL, MLB, NBA, and Rugby League.
Korfist has published research on sprint training and is an advisor for Auckland University of Technology’s SPRINZ. Additionally, he co-owns Track Football Consortium (@TFConsortium), is co-founder of Reflexive Performance Reset, and has discussed training in countless blogs and podcasts.

Free Speed Training eBook - Velocity 101

Velocity 101 eBook

Improving speed is one of the most popular topics in the athletic performance equation.  Where there are many ideas and thoughts out there, as to particular training exercises, or setups, the more core aspects of speed training often go without mention.  These include the fundamental aspects of what makes an athlete fast, specific sprint-power concepts, the relevance of "3D" motion, motor learning and more.  

Velocity 101 will help you take a leap forward in understanding of what makes athletes fast, and how to train it effectively

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