Dan John on Training Mastery and the Champion’s Process

Today’s podcast highlights coach, author, and educator Dan John. A best-selling author in strength training and fitness, including works such as “Never Let Go”, “Mass Made Simple”, and “Easy Strength Omni-Book.” Dan excels at transforming complex concepts into practical insights and has been a frequent guest on the show. He is one of my most significant influences in how I approach coaching and training. As I move forward in my coaching and training journey, I increasingly appreciate Dan’s methods and wisdom in deeper and more impactful ways.

If you want to excel at athletics, then you can never, ever, get too far from the actual day-to-day and week-to-week process of training that unfolds over time.

On today’s episode, Dan talks about navigating the peaks and valleys of performance along with managing daily training and competitive expectations. He also touched on the importance of athlete autonomy, and “figuring it out”, and trends in sports training. Ultimately, Dan speaks to the heart of that consistent, long-haul process by which champions are made, which is the core message of today’s episode. Dan is a legend, and it’s always fantastic to have him on the show.

Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio and Athletic Development Games.

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Dan John on Training Mastery and the Champion’s Process

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Main Points

4:09– Exploring Diverse Fitness Trends
11:42– Efficient Power Curl: Simple Strength Training Boost
18:50– Enhancing Grip Strength with Sandbag Cleans
23:41– Navigating Progress Peaks in Strength Training
25:45– Unexpected Strength Breakthroughs in Weightlifting Journey
30:21– Five Sets of Five
33:47– Navigating Peaks and Valleys in Training
40:28– Navigating Ups and Downs in Training Journeys
43:24– Transition from Functional Movements to Bodybuilding
47:54– Foundational Principles for Enhanced Athletic Performance
51:03– Evolution of Training Methods in Athlete Development


(00:16:47) “I think the overhead squat and the power curl are probably two of the best discus throwing exercises there are. Power curl, I can teach you in seconds.” – Dan John

(00:20:34) “One of the problems, at least in my world, is that we often think that, you know, if a leads to b and b leads to c, then, well, let’s drop b and just go a to c. And it doesn’t always happen. Sometimes when you’re trying to accomplish something, you still have to stick with all the steps in the system.” – Dan John

(00:27:46) “George Sheehan in his run, in one of his books, Doctor Sheehan on Running, I think it is. You know, he talks about how athletes live in the pure present. We have no past, we have no future. They’re like. And he equates poets, artists, children and the elderly. They all live in the pure present. There is no, there’s no yesterday, there’s no tomorrow.” – Dan John

(00:32:57) “Those workouts that are the, you just get in, you do your sets and reps, you walk out the door, you salute yourself for that effort. I actually think those are the ones that make champions.” – Dan John

01:00:45 “One of the things a lot of athletes start to do is they turn off. Because if I give you everything, then I’m your wizard, I’m your Gandalf, your Merlin, I’m your Moses, I’m your prophet, I’m the answer to all your questions. But what makes an athlete great is when they go, what made Dick Fosberry great in the high jump? What made him great? Well, he thought for himself to the point that his coach at Oregon State, Frank Morris, did everything he could to stop Fosbury from drinking, from jumping that way. And then later, of course, sold VHS on how he coached him up, which I still think is hilarious. LJ Sylvester lost to his brother at a track meet and it pissed him off. So on the weekend, he went out and figured out a wide leg technique and added 20ft to his throw”

(01:01:41) “What makes athletes great is when they fold their arms in frustration and say, I’ve got to figure out a way to win.” – Dan John

Show Notes

Dan training with Jon Call (Jujimufu)

Dan John University

About Dan John

Dan John is a renowned strength coach, author, and speaker with over four decades of experience in the fitness industry. He has established himself as a leading authority on strength training, athletic performance, and personal development. Known for his straightforward and practical approach, Dan has trained a diverse clientele, including high school athletes, Olympic athletes, and everyday fitness enthusiasts. His work emphasizes the importance of foundational strength and functional movement, making him a sought-after coach for those looking to improve their physical capabilities.

In addition to his coaching, Dan John is an accomplished author, writing books such as “Never Let Go”, “Mass Made Simple”, “Easy Strength”, and more. His insights combine science with real-world application, making complex concepts accessible to all. Dan is also a popular speaker at fitness conferences worldwide, where he shares his philosophy on strength training and personal growth. Through his writings and teachings, he continues to inspire countless individuals to pursue their fitness goals and lead healthier lives.

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