Brady Volmering on A Tool Kit for Building Athletic Power

Today’s podcast features Brady Volmering. Brady is the owner of DAC Performance and Health. He is continually evolving and refining core concepts of athletic development and walks the talk in his personal body transformation and practice. Brady leverages bio-psycho-social principles and intentions in his process of helping athletes become the best they can be. He has been a multi-time guest on this podcast.

Exercise and physical training are usually discussed from the perspective of physiological changes. Rarely are the mental/emotional and learning aspects brought into the equation. On today’s podcast, Brady discusses a variety of speed and strength training means, and how he looks to program them, not only on a level of physiological adaptation but on a level of intention and total stimulation to the athlete.

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Brady Volmering on A Tool Kit for Building Athletic Power

View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

Main Points

2:43– Origins and Benefits of Brady’s Impulse Training Methods
7:52– Creativity and Intensity Through Minimal Equipment Utilization
12:39– Shortened Time Windows and Training Intention
15:00– Descriptions and Intentions for Programming Athletic Movements and Exercises
26:18– Holistic Training Approach for Optimal Athletic Growth
32:54– Training Approach for Athletes Based on Superpowers
38:44– Jumping Games vs. Conventional Plyometrics
48:06– Simplifying Training to Limit Decision-Making and Focus Adaptation
52:55– Adductor Holds for a Comprehensive Isometric Training Approach
1:00:34– Moving Beyond “Canned” Arm Care Prescriptions
1:05:15– Advice Brady Would Give to His Younger Self


17:00 “If you have something, set something up that you can tackle it, right? You tackle it. You immediately get up into like a ten to 20 yard sprint. If you don’t have something that you can tackle, like dive on the ground aggressively, just kind of work with what you have within your environment. But the overall goal is that we want you to feel, feel like you can aggressively tackle, hit something, get up and take that into the sprint, right? And so I’ll use those words to describe this is what we’re trying to get out of it. Like, you want to feel aggressive hitting something and then getting up and taking off into a sprint” – Brady Volmering

21:40 “I want to be able to stimulate someone maximally, like, for them to be able to take and direct every single ounce of their being into something without worrying about anything other than doing that. And with the weight, sometimes you have to worry about failing an impulse. You don’t” – Brady Volmering

22:20 “What do you want your body to feel like? What do you want to get out of this? And so it helps them to. It helps them to start to fully invest, because when I talk about full investment, it’s like, there it is” – Brady Volmering

26:08 “And full disclosure, like, I enjoy three sets of ten sometimes” – Brady Volmering

27:10 “Every new thing now that I come across, I’m just looking at, as, like, I myself need to take this thing to its absolute and extreme level, right, whatever that means, so that I know the impact and the benefit that I can get from it.” – Brady Volmering

27:50 “Three by ten tool that I can use with other people. Setting up 20 minutes for someone to go explore. It’s a tool that I can use. Impulses still fail tool that I can use. Impulses for three sets of 100. Tool that I can. Like, everything is now just something that I can use to put into an athlete or to put them in an environment for them to learn something or for them to develop or for them to grow” – Brady Volmering

59:00 “If you’re gonna do an adductor move letter like a groin, adductor, is what I call, I’ll write out in the script the description, do this better than you ever have before. Open up range that you’ve never had before. It’s not just like, do four sets of six.” – Brady Volmering” – Brady Volmering

1:07:02 “The progress was so slow because every mistake that I made, I was so stubborn that I felt like I have, this is the way that I’m going to do it.” – Brady Volmering

About Brady Volmering

Brady Volmering is the owner of DAC Performance and Health. After starting in baseball skill training, he’s since moved into the human performance arena, focusing on increasing the capacity of the human being.  Brady looks at what “training the human being” actually means and how that relates to an increase in specific sports performance.

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Velocity 101 eBook

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