Endorsed by the top sprint coaches and researchers in the world
In my mid-20’s I had the “prettiest” sprinting form by anyone’s standards, yet I would get dusted by my athletes when we ran flat out sprints together.
Comparatively, nobody taught me how to run in high school and my form was ugly… but fast.
After seeing enough athletes get stronger, but not faster on the track, and also see athletes continually abandon my cueing set when actually competing and needing to run fast, I really started to ask myself some tough questions regarding athletic development.
All these questions are ones that I’ve set out to find the answer, an answer that starts with how the body works in acceleration and sprinting.
This is a Book That Covers All the Topics Associated with Sprinting, and is Based on Cutting-Edge Coaching Practice, Practical Experience and Results.
The lessons I’ve gained as an athlete, coach and now podcaster and educator have all filtered into a product that I believe creates a platform for true, holistic thinking when sitting to build a speed program.
As I’ve talked with dozens of elite coaches, as well as being personally mentored by great thinkers like Adarian Barr (his work inspired Chapter 1), I’ve finally transcribed my thoughts on the following areas onto paper.
With the help of over 25 coaches, well over a decade of coaching speed myself in a variety of mediums, and 20 years of personal experimentation, I’ve been able to refine speed down to its component parts as seen in the chapters below:
Sprint Mechanics
Why athletes quickly abandon common sprint cues when they are in the heat of battle and what it really takes to be fast
Sprint Anatomy
What muscles are really important and why
Individualization of Training
How to really determine where to alter training for the individual
The Powerlifts
What squats and deadlifts can and can’t do for athletic speed
Olympic Lifts
How Olympic lifts have more similarities to acceleration than we think, and some critical factors in getting more transfer out of them
“Specific” Strength for Speed
What lifting really is specific to sprinting, and where it might fit in the big picture
Sprint Drills
The reason why traditional sprint drills don’t transfer to actual sprint speed and what to do instead
How and why particular plyos transfer to sprint ability
How sprint and strength training means can best fit together for performance
All of these topics are explored in a detail that I feel does a book on the speed training justice. In addition, you will get over 10 training programs that reflect the methodology that I’ve successfully used with hundreds of athletes.
“Speed Strength” is your total guide to navigating the means of any training modality related to getting athletes faster, as well as optimizing your understanding of the human body in relation to moving at high velocity.
If you want to change your coaching life, and gain information not seen anywhere else, then buy your copy today to learn things like the following:
+ How I ran a personal best 10-meter fly at age 34 by “unwiring” the common sprint coaching cues drilled into me through my 20’s.
+ How I tweaked my strength program to give university track athletes an average improvement of .2 in the 100m dash and .4 in the 200m dash versus their previous year before I started as their strength and conditioning coach (with some athletes improving much more).
+ How I’ve been able to improve athletes short sprint times by 5% in a matter of weeks without substantial strength improvements.
+ Why “just getting strong” has been leading us down the wrong road in developing speed of the highest order.
+ Principles I used to help an athlete to an NCAA
What the Experts are Saying About Speed Strength
JB Morin, Leading Sprint Researcher
“This book is very comprehensive, complete, and offers an evidence-based approach of sprint training. This outstanding work is based on published research, but also includes numerous exercises, drills, with detailed descriptions. Joel Smith offers engaging writing and mixes his own experience with the current scientific knowledge on the topic of speed.”
Håkan Andersson, Elite Sprint Coach
“I can really recommend Joel Smith’s new book “Speed Strength: A Comprehensive Guide to the Biomechanics and Training of Linear Speed.” The 320 pages of great information is definitely worth every penny. Great work.”
Jason Kanzler, Houston Astros Player Development
– Incredible resource, should be on the bookshelf of all coaches who value speed.
– Will make you REALLY think hard about mainstream S&C beliefs
– Packed with useable programming, from general to specific
– Awesome biomechanical underpinning
Cameron Josse, DeFranco’s Training
“Developing high-level speed-strength is considered a sort of ‘holy grail’ in the world of sports performance – we all want the fastest, most explosive athletes but we often struggle to find ways to get there. With so much information available on how to increase speed-strength, it can be hard to understand how it all fits together. How does maximum strength training play a part? How do I train at different areas of the force-velocity curve? What positions am I looking for? What methods are effective for specific reasons? How do I set up my program for speed?
In Speed Strength, Joel Smith gives us the road map we need to understand all of the factors that go into producing superior explosive athletic performance. This is certainly a resource that I will keep nearby for the rest of my coaching career.”
Alex Natera, Performance Coach: GWS Giants
“I’ve not read anything as thorough in any book on training for speed. Also, plenty of relatively new and novel concepts and lots of dispelling of myths. I learned a tonne!”
Max Schmarzo, Director of Sport Science: Resilience Codes
“This book is a must-have for any coach. It not only provides educational value, but challenges the reader to open their mind to new ideas. Joel has poured his coaching experience and creative mind into every page and it shows.
Whether you are an athlete looking to better understand training, or a coach looking to expand your toolbox, I highly advise checking this book out.”
Steffan Jones, Global Fast-Bowling Performance Coach
“Having played a professional sport for 20 years and now applying my trade as a coach I constantly search out like-minded coaches. Joel Smith has recently become my number one source for sharing ideas. From identifying hip or knee dominant traits in jumpers and throwers, to understanding the key differences between a fascia speed-driven athlete and a strength muscle driven athlete. I believe we have come up with a great concept that will underpin all Athletic and Sports coaching in years to come. Joel understands that performance is more than just standing under a barbell.
His new book, Speed Strength is, without doubt, a game-changer. There are limiting factors and key differences in every athlete. Whether fibre type, ability to use the stretch-shortening cycle effectively, or even anthropometry. Having the knowledge to use these differences to the benefit of the athlete is a skill that Joel highlights brilliantly in this book. I highly recommend Speed strength for all coaches, whether you regard yourself in the outdated S+C coach title, a technical coach, or a tactical coach. Having an understanding of how to identify, assess, and apply new information can determine your impact as a coach to all your athletes. The information in this book can take sports performance to a new level.”
Keir Wenham-Flatt
“How long can you see elite performers do it the “wrong” way before you question what the “right” way is? “Speed Strength” by Joel Smith is one of the most thought-provoking physical training books I have read in the last few years.
The truth is that the vast majority of strength coaches suck at the fundamentals of teaching and developing sprint running. And even those who do tend to share the idea that there is one, textbook way to sprint. Deviations from that perfect technical model are considered inefficiencies that have to be coached out.
The problem is many of the best sprinters of the world didn’t get the memo. Reading Joel’s book has forced me to realise that these idiosyncrasies might be the very thing that makes them so fast in the first place. “Speed Strength” has forced me to look at speed development through a completely new lens and to change how I coach.
This book is a unique and comprehensive look at running fast, from biomechanical analysis, motor development, jump, and plyometric training, resistance training, planning and progression of sprint training, and how to match your approach to the various types of athletes you’ll encounter as a coach.
Prepare to unlearn what you have learned! You will not be disappointed.”
John Zombro, Physical Therapist, TheLifetimeBody.com
“Just wanted to give you a report on some great results I’ve gotten with several clients using your book. I picked up a copy when it first came out and used it to refine programming for several clients. The information on technique, cues, exercises, and progression was really helpful. Several folks had breakthrough performances. The best story is a 69-year old guy who was an adult-onset athlete, running a 14.74 100m (hand-timed) in an all-comers meet this year. I really think Speed Strength is a great text and it will help a lot of coaches and athletes.”

A Comprehensive Guide to the Biomechanics and Training Methodology of Linear Speed